After Orlando, Love Ignites: 5 Ways You Can Show Up for the LGBTQ Community

After the tragedies in Orlando, in the middle of Pride month, 49 members of the LGBT community are gone. On June 26th, the LGBTQ community will celebrate the historic Supreme Court decision giving same-sex couples the right to marry throughout the United States. These two events are difficult to reconcile: mourning and celebration; seeing how far we have come and how far we have to go.

During this Pride month, on the first anniversary of Marriage Equality, we find ourselves once again at the crossroads of hate and intolerance. Ultimately, there is only one way for us to move forward. We must truly learn how to love one another with more kindness. We must think about what we say, what we do, and how we treat one another. Many want to DO something, be a part of something, anything, to make this better. We at Equality Texas want that, too, and have a few suggestions.

In the wake of the Orlando shootings, celebrating the LGBTQ community is more important than it ever has been. Vitriolic debates over which bathrooms transgender people use rage on, our LGBTQ youth continue to be bullied, presidential candidates lobby states to ignore the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage laws, and someone somewhere still struggles with coming out.

Much remains to be done to ensure each and every Texan can live safely, authentically, and free from discrimination regardless of gender identity or expression. Gaining the freedom to marry was a transformative win, and the loss of 49 people is a horrible loss. The struggle for full equality continues, and Equality Texas needs your help to let all LGBTQ Texans know that we are here. We are here, at home, in the Lone Star State fighting for good laws, and for the right to live a good life.

While we must be vigilant about our surroundings, our community must not give in to fear. We must not give in to hate. We are NOT going back into the closet. Together, we have accomplished astounding things, and together, we can make it better. Here are 5 things you can do with us:

Attend our Marriage Equality Events 
Love Ignites on June 26th, Lighting a Path for a Brighter Tomorrow. Attend one of our Texas-sized celebrations that dance in the face of hate, and love in the face of anger.


Follow Equality Florida
Equality Florida is working with the City of Orlando, local partners, and the National Center for Victims of Crime, to help the survivors and the families of those taken from us. You can visit to send a message to the families of the victims and the survivors of the tragedy in Orlando to show #WeAreOrlando!

Volunteer and march with us at Pride
San Antonio

Contact Your Legislators
We need real change in Texas. We need to support candidates who support LGBTQ people. We need to silence Dan Patrick’s hate and bigotry. We need lawmakers to take a vocal and visible stand against the onslaught of anti-LGBTQ legislation coming to Texas. You can find the contact information for your lawmakers at

Check on your friends
Ask how they are doing. Go see them. Tell them you love them.

Help us fight for a better Texas for all Texans!

All of the work we do would not be possible without the support of our community and allies.


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