Special Session, bathrooms, and how you can help

It is extremely disappointing that Governor Greg Abbott is calling legislators back to pass an anti-transgender bathroom bill. This is a 100% political issue, and the only reason for it is to target, demonize and stigmatize transgender people. Let me be clear: transgender people using the restroom in peace is not a threat to Texas women and children. During this Pride Month, we need the LGBTQ community and our allies to answer the call. The time is now, and the need is great.

There is no middle ground on discrimination. We cannot tolerate any effort that seeks to demonize, stigmatize, and endanger our transgender family members, friends, coworkers, students, and neighbors. We will not give up in our efforts to prevent the passage and enactment of such a dangerous and immoral law.

Through our continuous public education campaigns, we are winning hearts and minds within the state, and the majority of Texans now supports the most critical of our pro-equality issues. We need your help for the Special Session. Contributions of all sizes help our lobbying efforts and rapid response communications. Help us continue to fight by making a donation to Equality Texas.

For more than 25 years, Equality Texas has stood as the largest, and often the only, statewide civil rights organization fighting exclusively for LGBTQ rights in Texas. With your help, and the help of other fair-minded Texans, we will achieve our vision of a state where all Texans are treated equally with dignity and respect.

Help us fight for a better Texas for all Texans!

All of the work we do would not be possible without the support of our community and allies.


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