
On this Thanksgiving, we have a long list of things for which to be thankful:

  • Our friends, families, and communities that are supportive of inclusion and the celebration of diversity.
  • Our incredible supporters who took more than 32,000 actions and made over 1,000 visits to lawmakers during the Legislative Session to speak out against discrimination.
  • Our tremendous partners: ACLU of Texas, Equality Federation, Human Rights Campaign, Texas Freedom Network, Texas Health Institute, and Transgender Education Network of Texas.
  • The MamaBears, PapaBears, trans men, trans women, and gender independent folks who stepped forward to become spokespeople and advocates.
  • The faith leaders who stood up to support equal treatment for all.
  • The business leaders who took a stand against discrimination.
  • Every LGBTQ community member who dedicated themselves to changing hearts and minds, and the allies who joined them.
  • You.

You made the difference this year, and we are deeply, deeply grateful.

If you are feeling isolated on this holiday; if you live somewhere that has not yet recognized that you are a gift to this world; if you find yourself denying your authenticity due to fear of rejection, discrimination or worse; we want you to know you are not alone. There is a community bigger than the state of Texas that supports you. These LGBTQ Texans are working everyday so that one day all of us can live openly with full equality regardless of who we are and whom we love.

We wish everyone a safe, fabulous, and very Happy Thanksgiving!


Chuck Smith
Chief Executive Officer
Equality Texas and Equality Texas Foundation

Help us fight for a better Texas for all Texans!

All of the work we do would not be possible without the support of our community and allies.


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