FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Equality Texas Applauds Georgia Governor Nathan Deal’s Veto of Bill Allowing Discrimination

Equality Texas Applauds Georgia Governor Nathan Deal’s Veto of Bill Allowing Discrimination

TEXAS (March 28, 2016) – Equality Texas salutes the leadership of Georgia Governor Nathan Deal for vetoing a bill which would have allowed for discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people under the guise of “religious freedom.”

Recent polling proves that an overwhelming majority of Texans support equality for the LGBT community, and they oppose all legislative efforts that would inflict discrimination. Through an initiative known as Texas Competes, almost seven hundred companies (including approximately 30 Fortune 500 companies) with significant operations in Texas have made it clear that they believe that our state’s economic success requires us to be open and welcoming, and non-discriminatory, towards the LGBT community.

“These divisive advocates of discriminatory measures are out of step with what Texans want, and do not speak for the majority of fair-minded Texans,” said Chuck Smith, CEO of Equality Texas, the state’s largest organization dedicated to securing LGBT equality. “They would do severe and irreparable damage to our state’s economy and brand. We cannot afford to let our guard down in the Lone Star State, and we must stand together against all destructive and extreme forms of policy-making that in the end accomplish nothing but harm to our state’s image, brand, economy, and people,” Smith added.

Equality Texas renews its call for the adoption of statewide legislation that would prevent discrimination against members of the LGBT community in housing, employment and access to services. The citizens of our State and our State’s business community have made their voices clear, and we hope our state leaders and legislators are listening.

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