ALERT: Senate to vote 3/14/17 on SB6

SB6, also known as the “bathroom bill” is likely to enter the next phase of the legislative process.

On Tuesday, the Texas Senate will convene at noon and is expected to begin floor debate on the discriminatory bill that would prohibit transgender Texans from using the bathroom that correctly matches their gender identity. A vote by the full senate body is also expected to take place on Tuesday.

We are asking members opposed to SB 6 to join us in the Senate Gallery at the Capitol on Tuesday to witness the debate and vote. If a vote is taken on Tuesday, a rally will take place immediately following on the north steps of the Capitol.

If you are not able to join us in Austin, please take a moment and forward a message to your State Senator and tell them to oppose SB6!

Together, we will send a message that discrimination is not a Texas value.

Help us fight for a better Texas for all Texans!

All of the work we do would not be possible without the support of our community and allies.


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