For Immediate Release
Press Contact:
Johnathan Gooch, Equality Texas, [email protected],
Amanda Johnston, GLAD, [email protected]
Austin, TX – After 5 years leading the largest LGBTQIA+ advocacy group in Texas, CEO Ricardo Martinez announced he will be stepping down effective August 12. Martinez will continue to lead in the national movement for LGBTQIA+ equality, stepping into the top leadership role at GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), which focuses on legal efforts to secure equality for LGBTQIA+ Americans in the Northeast and across the country.
Martinez and his team at Equality Texas successfully fought against extreme legislation, killing 209 anti-LGBTQIA+ bills and igniting hundreds of supportive bills promoting equality and fairness for LGBTQIA+ Texans. His leadership led to a significant increase in the budget from $917,000 to $2.7 million, funding a much-needed expansion and deepening the organization’s capacity in fundraising, communications, advocacy, and administrative functions.
With the unanimous approval of the boards of Equality Texas and the Equality Texas Foundation, veteran activist and current Deputy Director Brad Pritchett will act as Interim CEO for the remainder of the year and throughout the 2025 Legislative Session. Pritchett lobbied Houston City Council to pass nondiscrimination protections in 2014; defended the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance; served as Deputy Political Director at the ACLU of Texas; and managed communications and operations for the Harris County Democratic Party for 5 years.
Statement from Ricardo Martinez, outgoing CEO of Equality Texas:
“Leading Equality Texas has been the honor of my life. People look at you like you’re crazy when you run into a burning building, but in Texas the house is on fire. This whole team is just as committed, passionate, and talented. If we have to carry the buckets by hand, we’ll do it. While the crisis in Texas has been particularly pronounced, the solution is national cooperation. I’m excited to carry my work into a new phase, supporting legal efforts in the Northeast and across the country under the umbrella of GLAD. Equality Texas has been hitting a stride in recent years, tackling massive opposition. I’m confident that under Brad’s leadership that stride will turn into a run.”
Statement from Kevin Haynes, Equality Texas Board Chair and Brad Nitschke, Equality Texas Foundation Board Chair:
“Ricardo leaves Equality Texas and the Equality Foundation stronger, and thanks to his leadership, we are better positioned than ever to lead the fight for equality for LGBTQIA+ Texans. Please join us in wishing Ricardo the very best in his future endeavors and thanking him for his invaluable service and leadership. While we will all miss Ricardo, we are delighted that this move will help strengthen the bond with GLAD, and we look forward to a productive future together.”
Statement from Brad Pritchett, incoming Interim CEO of Equality Texas:
“Ricardo’s leadership, commitment, and determination over the past 5 years have revolutionized our work. We’re stronger, smarter, and more nimble than we’ve ever been. While the whole staff will miss Ricardo, he leaves us much stronger than he found us. It’s an honor to take the helm at Equality Texas at such an important time for our community.”
Statement from Shane Dunn, GLAD Board President:
“Ricardo’s accomplishments at Equality Texas in a tumultuous political environment showcase his leadership strengths and vision. He has demonstrated a commitment to amplifying the voices of marginalized communities along with a willingness to be in the trenches organizing at the grassroots and grasstops levels.
“GLAD is doubling down on our commitment to challenging emerging anti-LGBTQ+ laws across the country, defending and expanding upon the rights and progress we’ve achieved over the past half century, and advocating for positive policy and legislative change. We could not be more excited to have Ricardo join GLAD at this moment, to bring his vision and battle-tested experiences in the heat of some of the fiercest fights for LGBTQ equality we’ve seen to date. GLAD shares our highest admiration and appreciation for the entire team at Equality Texas and their critical ongoing work in our collaborative justice movement,”
Equality Texas is the largest statewide organization working to secure full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Texans through political action, education, community organizing, and collaboration.
Through strategic litigation, public policy advocacy, and education, GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders works in New England and nationally to create a just society free of discrimination based on gender identity and expression, HIV status, and sexual orientation.