Recent News
Supreme Court Title VII Decision Day Panel Discussion
On Monday, June 15th, the Supreme Court handed down rulings in three cases of employment discrimination by LGBTQ plaintiffs. We gathered several community leaders and legal scholars to explain the real life implications of the decisions handed down.
Webinar: Queer the Census and Candid Conversation About How We’re All Doing
Equality Texas and partner organizations invite you to watch this webinar to learn more about the 2020 Census and how ensuring everyone is counted greatly impacts LGBTQ nonprofits and social services that our community depends upon. Our conversation includes community leaders from our co-host organizations: Borderland Rainbow Center, BTWI –
Remembering Pulse
We remember the victims of the Pulse nightclub attack 4 years later. June 16th, 2016 was the largest singular attack against the LGBTQ+ community. During Pride month, on Latin night. We must remember those details. Stanley Almodovar III, 23Amanda L. Alvear, 25Oscar A. Aracena Montero, 26Rodolfo Ayala Ayala, 33Antonio Davon
A Public Promise to Become Anti-Racist
As an LGBTQ+ organization we’ve assumed unity among our membership in solidarity of all marginalized groups and have often spoken on behalf of all of our members. But have we stood, fought, and cried loud enough for our Black siblings? The recent murders of Black Americans along with the continued
Equality is Good for Business
A first-of-its-kind study by renowned Texas economist Dr. Ray Perryman, commissioned by the business coalition Texas Competes (a project of Equality Texas) has been released. The study examines the expected economic impacts of a statewide, comprehensive nondiscrimination law covering employment, housing, and public spaces for LGBTQ Texans and visitors. The
Sharing in Solidarity: Statement From the Texas Legislative Black Caucus
We stand in solidarity with the Texas Legislative Black Caucus who we work closely with during the Texas Legislative Session. These fierce leaders are committed to addressing the issues African Americans face across Texas and we are committed to working with all of them to fight discrimination, racism, and create real