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We urgently need your help today at the Capitol
HB 1035 is an extreme anti-LGBTQ bill that grants special rights to discriminate for people who hold the belief that marriage is between a man and a woman and that gender is immutable from birth. It is being heard in committee today, along with HB 3172 which would prevent any
Celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility with Me
I am an out and proud queer transgender man. It has taken me a while to be able to say all of those words together. I grew up before computers were available in every house and in almost every hand. I had no visible role models. I first came out
“Religious Exemption” bills are moving — ACT NOW!
It’s no surprise that the bigots in the Texas legislature are mounting a serious, multi-pronged assault on the LGBTQ community. But events this week at the Capitol have made it clear just how serious the fight will be this session. We have a number of pieces of bad news to
Action Alert: Extremists are on the move!
The 2019 Legislative Session is barely underway, but anti-equality extremists are already coming out hard against our community. We need to send a message to lawmakers that targeting LGBTQ Texans won’t be tolerated.
Holding the line for LGBTQ rights in Texas during the 2019 Legislative Session
Starting today, the Texas Legislature is back at the Capitol — and so is Equality Texas! Here’s a preview of what we expect — and our plans to hold the line for LGBTQ rights in Texas. We are at a turning point for LGBTQ equality in Texas. Last session, you
Support our work today…and your gift could be doubled!
The 86th Texas Legislative Session is only a few weeks away. The work that Equality Texas is doing is essential to telling the story of our community to lawmakers. Your support will help us educate, motivate, and activate the LGBTQ community and our allies, and to encourage the education and