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I was assaulted for being transgender
Discriminatory “bathroom bills” are dangerous, friend. I know this first hand because two weeks ago, I was held up at gunpoint, beaten, and robbed. My attackers later told police that they assaulted me because I’m transgender. This is the climate that elected officials like Gov. Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan
Make a call?
We’re facing an onslaught of dangerous “bathroom bills” in Texas right now. Will you make a phonecall to help stop them? Starting tomorrow, we’re bringing our phone bank action center to Austin and Houston. We’ll be calling fair-minded Texans across the state and urging them to contact their representatives to
Call your Reps now!
There are no more illusions, supporter. Governor Abbott has publicly admitted “bathroom bills” are about targeting transgender people for discrimination. Yet still every day he is ramping up the pressure on state lawmakers to advance these discriminatory bills. He’s given us no choice but to ramp up pressure too. And
#TransTuesday: What it is like to be a transgender man in Texas
This #TransTuesday, Equality Texas highlights a conversation between four transgender men from Houston, Dallas and San Antonio about what it is like to be a transgender man in this difficult political climate in Texas. We need your help to contact your legislators urging them to oppose the harmful bills being
Gov. Abbott Admits Targeting “Transgender Bathrooms” To Promote Discrimination, Not Enhance Public Safety
A common scare tactic from backers of disastrous “bathroom bills” is the claim that this legislation protects the privacy of women and girls. But those claims are simply false. The truth is, these bills exist for one reason—targeting transgender Texans for discrimination. Now, Governor Greg Abbott is admitting as much.
Tell the house: No on HB 46 & HB 50!
While the Senate rushed through a discriminatory bathroom bill this week, Governor Abbott was busy devising a plan of his own: He’s demanding that members of the House sign on to HB 46 and HB 50—two bathroom bills prohibiting municipalities and school districts from protecting transgender Texans in public facilities—before