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Highlights from Defining Transgender on Great Day Houston
By Lou Weaver Equality Texas would like to thanks Deborah Duncan and Great Day Houston for dedicating a whole show this week to transgender topics and issues. Dr Colt Keo-Meier set the stage educating the audience about gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation. It is important to understand these
#TransTuesday: Amber Dryden Briggle
This #TransTuesday, Equality Texas features Amber Dryden Briggle, the mother of a transgender boy in Denton, Texas. Her son, Max, is thriving living as his authentic self with the unconditional love and support from his family, friends and his community. Please watch and share with the hashtag #TransTuesday.
Weekly Update April 21, 2017
This week has been one of the busiest yet in the Texas Legislature with several bills making their way through the process. Here is a recap of what’s happened this week. HB 192 On Monday, the House Business and Industry Committee heard testimony on HB 192 by Rep. Diego Bernal.
#TransTuesday – 5 Fathers of Transgender Children
This #TransTuesday, Equality Texas highlights a conversation between five fathers of #transgender children in Texas. Please watch and share with the hashtag #TransTuesday.
Weekly Update April 14, 2017
Texas is leading the nation with the number of anti-LGBTQ bills filed. Currently 26 discriminatory bills have been filed in the Texas House and Senate this session that directly attack LGBTQ people with regard to restroom access, roll back of local nondiscrimination protections, and provide religious refusals for child welfare
CSHB 2899 – Simmons – relating to the regulation of discrimination by political subdivisions
The committee substitute for HB 2899 would strip away the ability of cities, schools, and other local entities to pass or enforce nondiscrimination protections in multiple-occupancy bathrooms, showers, and changing facilities, for attributes other than those covered under state or federal law. It, therefore, applies to all categories of discrimination