ACTION ALERT! Immediate Action Needed

Action Alert: Immediate Action Needed


TEUL_CecilBell_4105The Texas House will vote next Tuesday, May 12th on HB 4105 which seeks to enshrine discrimination against LGBT people by denying the freedom to marry even if the Supreme Court rules in favor of marriage later this summer.

Cecil Bell’s HB 4105 attempts to subvert any future ruling by the Supreme Court in favor of the freedom to marry by prohibiting the issuance of marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

We need you to tell your lawmaker to vote “NO” on HB 4105.

HB 4105 is mean-spirited, ill-advised, and puts Texas on a collision course with a potential Supreme Court ruling on marriage. Texas lawmakers appear determined to repeat the same mistakes of Indiana and Arkansas by passing a bill that makes Texas look intolerant and unwelcoming.

Click here to tell your representative to kill HB 4105.

Help us fight for a better Texas for all Texans!

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