ACTION ALERT: Protect Transgender Youth! Tell Lawmakers to Oppose HB 2801!

House Bill 2801 by Rep. Gilbert Peña, is an attack on the ability of transgender youth to use the gender-segregated space appropriate to their gender in public schools.

HB 2801 encourages the harassment and bullying of transgender youth in our schools. The bill forces school districts to assume student’s biological sex and restrict access to gender-segregated spaces based on that assumption. Transgender students without supportive parents are without recourse under HB 2801. Non-transgender students may receive up to $2000 for reporting transgender students to the school district.
85% of Texas’ transgender students currently experience harassment at school. HB 2801 places a bounty on those students, creating state-sponsored bullying.

HB 2801 will likely be heard by the House State Affairs committee next Wednesday, April 22. Use this Action Center to contact the committee members, and tell them to oppose HB 2801. We must protect our youth.

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