ACTION ALERT: We need you at the capitol on Wednesday

A lot of news has been coming out of North Carolina recently about their fake repeal and replacement for HB 2, their discriminatory bathroom bill. What must not be overlooked is that the alternative bill adopted by the North Carolina general assembly leaves transgender residents without protections when using bathrooms or changing facilities that match their gender identity.

Now, lawmakers in the Texas House are introducing their own fake replacement for SB 6, called HB 2899 which is set for a hearing on Wednesday, April 19th. HB 2899 will be amended by the author to be CSHB 2899, and would ban municipalities and school districts from enforcing ordinances, orders, or other measures that protect transgender Texans from discrimination when using restrooms or changing facilities that correspond with their gender identity.

Read the proposed Committee Substitute to HB2899 here. 

To be clear, this bill being promoted as an alternative to SB 6 by Texas lawmakers is unacceptable. CSHB 2899 is discriminatory and will leave thousands of transgender Texans without protections and vulnerable to harassment and violence.

If you are able, please join us at the Texas Capitol in Austin on the afternoon of Wednesday, April 19th to testify or drop a card in opposition to HB 2899. More information will be distributed soon.

In the end, any piece of legislation that prohibits local self-determination to protect transgender residents and guests from discrimination is in essence discrimination.

Together, we will send a message that discrimination is not a Texas value.

Other links:

FAQs about the committee hearing.

Talking Points on HB 2899. 

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