Every Vote Counts: Tuesday GOTV Tips — How to Help Get Out the Vote with Equality Texas

There has never been a more important time in our history than NOW to get involved in Get Out the Vote initiatives. One way to help is to volunteer for Virtual Phone Banks (VPB). We are dialing every Tuesday and Thursday for the rest of this month from 6pm to 8pm, to support pro-equality candidates and incumbents who understand the importance of equality for ALL Texans. These races could make the difference in ensuring we elect a pro-equality majority to the Texas House of Representatives. 

Pro-equality candidates throughout the state need LGBTQ Texans and allies to step up during this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We are less than a month out — help us give these candidates a much-needed boost as we march toward the November 3, 2020 election. 

Phone Banking is actually done on computers these days. That means that we’ll help you set up a Virtual Phone to be your dialer, so no one will see your phone number. After a short training on why phone banking and conversations with voters across the state are important, you’ll get a script to read when making the calls. It’s easy to do but can have a huge impact on voter turn-out!

Sign up today to help us Get Out the Vote!

Another big way to help with GOTV efforts is to be informed and then share that information with others. We’ve been sharing Tuesday Tips (like this one) through our blog. Check out other posts in the series and forward to them to your friends.

Early Voting started today. Here’s our post about Early Voting with information on how it really works. If you’d rather mail your ballot in rather than stand in line, we have that covered in this post (hint…mail early!). With the long lines we are already seeing around the state, more poll workers are needed to help make sure things go smoothly at voting sites. Here is information about how to volunteer (with pay) for that job.

It’s also important for voters to realize that local elections matter. Do you vote down ballot? It might be tempting to just vote for a couple of the big national elections now that straight-ticket voting is off the table. But so many positive changes are made at the local level. Don’t miss out on those votes. Fill out your entire ballot.

And in a year of ever-changing rules and lawsuits centered around the election, it’s important to know your voting rights and how to report any problems at the polls. Share this information far and wide!

With so much on the line this year, “Get Out to Vote” is a lot more complicated than usual. But we hope that all of our tips have been helpful and will make you feel confident that your voice and your vote really do matter.

Help us fight for a better Texas for all Texans!

All of the work we do would not be possible without the support of our community and allies.


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