Tell Your Lawmakers: Oppose Rep. Sanford’s Amendment!
TUESDAY, MAY 26TH, Rep. Scott Sanford will try again to pass an amendment allowing child welfare agencies to discriminate against LGBT families
Tell your State Representative to oppose the Sanford amendment permitting discrimination in Texas’ child welfare system.
Rep. Scott Sanford has pre-filed an amendment that he will seek to add to SB 206 on Tuesday, May 26th. This cynical “religious refusal” amendment would authorize all child welfare organizations to refuse to place a child with a qualified family just because that family doesn’t meet the organization’s religious or moral criteria.
If enacted into law, the Sanford Amendment would allow child welfare providers to discriminate against not just gay and transgender families, but also against people of other faiths, interfaith couples and anyone else to whom a provider objects for religious reasons.
The only consideration of a child welfare agency should be the best interest of the child – not proselytizing for a single, narrow religious interpretation.
SB 206 is not objectionable. However, adding the Sanford Amendment to SB 206 must be prevented.
Urge your State Representative to OPPOSE the Sanford Amendment to SB 206.