“I’m a Texan, Too” Video Series

The Transgender Education Network of Texas and Equality Texas proudly partnered together this legislative session to uplift the voices of trans Texans and allies who came together to fight anti-transgender and anti-LGBTQ+ bills.

Below, you will find some of the videos released to showcase the humanity of the trans community, dispel misinformation, show the harm that anti-LGBTQ+ bills create, and center stories of those directly impacted by the proposed legislation. Thank you to all who participated!


Sports participation provides life lessons and promotes shared values that all children should be able to experience: physical health and stress relief, sportsmanship, team-building and camaraderie, goal-setting and self-discipline, leadership, confidence, and belonging. The vast majority of children are not elite athletes and never will be, that goes for cisgender and transgender children alike. Students primarily want to play sports for fun, with friends and classmates.

Thank you, Ashlie for sharing your story and perspective as a Coach, Athletic Director, Educator and Texan.


This last legislative session has been particularly brutal for our community and courage anchored all of the powerful testimony against anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-trans legislation.

Thank you, Lais, Stephanie, Lydia, Adamalis, Adelyn and Sofia for talking to us about your courage.


All Texans should have the rights to provide for themselves and their families, to live in a safe place, to access appropriate medical care without government intervention and to access public spaces, safely and without fear of losing these rights because of who they are or whom they love. It takes so how much courage, effort and anguish to stand proudly, honestly, and authentically to advocate for these rights.

Thank you, Adamalis and Adalyn, for standing up for all of us at the Capitol and for allowing our community to get to know you a little better.


Too many people believe that anti-LGBTQ bias doesn’t exist — couldn’t exist — in healthcare. Medical providers swear an oath to “do no harm,” but LGBTQ Texans know that bias exists.

This legislative session alone, we had to fight bills that would eliminate best-practice, medically recommended, life-saving medical care for transgender youth and bills that would allow any medical professional to object to any medical procedure that violates their “ethical, moral, or religious beliefs” even if the procedure in question is live-saving care.

Discrimination can be be fought. Let us hold our lawmakers accountable by reminding them that “doing no harm” is first done by opposing any anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and not interfering in the relationship between a healthcare provider and their patient.


For Pride this year, we wanted to celebrate our amazing community members and the inspiring, brave individuals who fought with us during the 87th legislative session.


Despite the pleas from trans kids, parents of trans kids, allies, mental health clinicians, and physicians, anti-LGBTQ+ elected officials have brazenly prioritized attacking transgender CHILDREN.
Fear-mongering about the lives of trans/LGB people fuels bias and discrimination against trans/LGB kids and adults alike. The political climate has only increased these risks. There are so many other pressing matters this state is facing, in light of the pain and toil we have been experiencing and have witnessed our many communities have gone through: Shame on you. Transgender Texans are Texans, too.


Help us fight for a better Texas for all Texans!

All of the work we do would not be possible without the support of our community and allies.


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