Guest post by Austin-Travis County Census Collaborative

Every 10 years, the Census counts all people living within the United States. For every person counted, our neighborhoods will receive $1,500 per person, per year for the next 10 years.
The U.S. Census Bureau moved up the 2020 Census response deadline to September 30. This means that field data collection and self-response options will end on September 30.
We need you. As of today, Travis County is experiencing a low response rate, with a response rate of only 64.8%. Texas overall has a response rate of 60.1% and ranks 38th out of all of the states in the United States. This means that if 2020 Census were to end today, our community would lose over $350 million.
Click here to complete your Census!
Do Your Part to #StopTheKnock
Census takers are currently knocking on doors to follow up with households that have not yet responded to the 2020 Census. Due to COVID-19 protocols, Census takers will follow Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local public health guidelines, will be wearing a mask and are trained on social distancing protocols. Workers can be identified by an official ID badge. More information can be found online.
We need your help to #StopTheKnock and lessen the possibility of a Census employee knocking on your door!
- Take the Census — Online at or by phone by calling 2-1-1.
- Get the word out — Messaging can be shared from the City of Austin or the Austin/Travis County Complete Count Committee social media pages, or view messaging, graphics, and flyers to share in English and Spanish, here.
- Get Involved — Go to and volunteer or submit an event for Census partnership.
Census in the Community

The Austin-Travis County Census Action Team has partnered with Austin Public Library’s (APL) Bookmobile to help raise awareness. Both agencies joined the Austin Area League of Women Voters and Central Texas Food Bank at the following drive-thru events hosted by the Austin Voices for Education and Youth:
Navarro Early College High School
On August 24, more than 409 households (over 2,000 individuals) received a combined 30,000 pounds of free groceries and non-perishables. Residents also had the opportunity to complete the Census on-site, register to vote, receive safety tips on COIVD-19, information on adult education, finances and mental health, and free books from BookSpring and APL. MasksNow ATX and St. David’s/Austin FC donated masks.
Dobie Middle School
On August 31, the agencies teamed up again to provide resources to the public. Residents were safely served in their cars and drove away with groceries, information, and the completion of their voter registration and Census questionnaires.
3 Easy Ways to Take Action & Get Involved
- Share census related posts and information with your following using these digital resources.
- Host a Nextdoor volunteer training using this recorded webinar and these instructional resources.
- Raise awareness by posting flyers and yard signs, which you can request here.
Will you commit to these simple and impactful actions? Click here to pledge how you will help ‘Get Out the Count’.