Open Enrollment is Here!

The time is here for you to join the millions of Americans who receive health care coverage through HealthCare.Gov.

The LGBTQ community is under attack by the Trump Administration—especially when it comes to health care. But thanks to the Affordable Care Act (or “Obamacare”), the uninsured rate for low- and middle-income LGBTQ people has dropped by an overwhelming 35%. More LGBTQ people have health insurance than ever before — and that means access to health care we need, from life-saving HIV drugs to gender affirming health services.

Even now, the Affordable Care Act is stronger than ever. There are more insurers than before, prices are stable, and 8 in 10 people get a discount on their premiums. In fact, most people can find health insurance for under $75/month.

You can still expect to be treated fairly and protected from discrimination in health insurance AND health care. We know the headlines are confusing — and our community is under attack — but nothing has changed when it comes to health care.

Open Enrollment doesn’t last forever. Get your coverage NOW by following these steps:

  • Head to HealthCare.Gov today to check out the plans.
  • Get free, LGBTQ-friendly help from someone who understands your health insurance questions. Make an appointment here.
  • Sign up for your plan by December 15th! If you don’t enroll by then, you may be locked out of health insurance until 2019.

Make sure you and your loved ones get the health insurance you need before December 15, 2018.

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