On Monday, June 15th, the Supreme Court handed down rulings in three cases of employment discrimination by LGBTQ plaintiffs. Those cases are Altitude Express Inc. v. Zarda, Bostock v. Clayton County, and R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes v. EEOC. The question to be answered was if LGBTQ+ people are protected from employment discrimination at a federal level.
The All in for Equality Coalition gathered leadership from Equality Texas and the Transgender Education Network of Texas, Rev. Dr. Neal from Cathedral of Hope, along with staff attorneys from ACLU Texas and Lambda Legal to explain the real life implications of the decisions handed down by SCOTUS.
- This is monumental win for LGBTQ employment rights.
- The win is still limited in scope because it does not directly impact the recent HHS ruling regarding healthcare, Title VII does not apply to the military and cannot affect the trans military ban, and it will not apply to 80% of the workforce: those who work for a small business with fewer than 15 employees.
- We still need to translate these new policy protections to what people feel on the ground every day.
If you have faced employment discrimination, especially in the last 6 months contact the Lambda Legal Help Desk or fill out this ACLU Intake Form.
Ask your Texas federal legislators to pass comprehensive nondiscrimination protections for the LGBTQ community at the federal level.
Ask your Texas state legislators to pass a nondiscrimination law at the state level to protect all LGBTQ Texans.