Take Action: Anti-trans legislation filed ahead of special session

On Tuesday, the Texas legislature will reconvene in Austin for a special legislative session. So far, three bills have been filled that directly attack transgender Texans, and more are expected to be filed in the coming days.

HB 46 by Rep. Simmons would prohibit all political subdivisions, including municipalities, school districts, and state colleges & universities, from adopting or enforcing any ordinances or policies that protect transgender people in bathrooms or changing facilities.

HB 50 by Rep. Simmons is similar to HB 46, but relates only to school districts by prohibiting them from adopting or enforcing policies that protect transgender students in bathrooms or changing facilities.

SB 23 by Sen. Hall is a statewide preemption bill that would prohibit counties, municipalities, and other political subdivisions from adopting or enforcing laws or ordinances that prohibit discrimination on a basis not protected in state law, and would void all current nondiscrimination ordinances such as those adopted by Fort Worth, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio and Plano.

We need you to act. Here are some ways to get involved.

Join us at the Capitol on Tuesday, July 18th for the One Texas Resistance rally and day of action.

If you are not able to be in Austin on Tuesday, take a moment and call or email your legislator and ask them to oppose any legislation that attacks transgender people in Texas.

Donate to Equality Texas and help us fight anti-trans legislation in Austin.


As always, the team at Equality Texas will continue to keep you informed as legislation moves through the legislative process. Click here to learn more about what to expect during the special session, and to keep track of pending legislative action.

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