The Real Story of the 84th Legislature

By now we’re sure you know: there’s a lot going on in the Texas Legislature! What you might not know is that it’s not all doom and gloom- not by a long shot. Equality opponents may not want you to know the whole story, but we do, and so do two of our loyal supporters. That is why they’ve offered a $5,000 challenge grant to support the positive momentum we’re seeing in the TX legislature and to stop bad bills that would harm LGBT Texans and their families. We have until next Tuesday, April 14th, to take advantage of this opportunity- will you pitch in?

Did you know that just last week we helped to defeat two budget amendments targeting the LGBT community? One of them, the “Springer Amendment,” which would have given the Attorney General the power to shut down school districts with employee benefit programs inclusive of same-gender partners, was withdrawn from consideration thanks to a massive public outcry. Your voices were heard thanks to the almost 1,000 actions sent to lawmakers from our Action Center!

Or, did you know 35 bills have been proposed to protect LGBT Texans and their families from discrimination? These bills include providing statewide anti-discrimination protections for LGBT Texans and allowing both same-gender parents to be listed on the supplementary birth certificate of their adopted child. In fact, two weeks ago we had the best ever hearing on supplementary birth certificates, and we have a supportive committee chair continuing to move it forward.

A lot can happen in the two months remaining in the 84th Legislative Session. We will continue to fight anti-equality legislation, and we will further our collaborative work with unexpected allies like the Texas Association of Business. Your continued support, together with allied organizations, will make it possible for us to defeat bad bills. But it will take each of us, fighting harder than ever before, to push the good legislation forward during this defensive session.

Success in June will be defined by killing all 22 anti-equality bills proposed this session and maybe even passing a pro-equality bill or two. This will be no small feat, but we strongly believe that it is possible with your support. Because two generous donors agree, they have offered a $5,000 matching challenge to strengthen our work. Help Equality Texas kill the bad bills, advance the good bills, and finish this session successfully by making a gift of $20, $50, $100 or more today.

We can’t wait to celebrate the difference your gift will make in June, when we hope to tell you that thanks to your support we defeated harmful legislation and advanced a state in which all Texans can live, love, work, and grow to their full potential.

With sincere gratitude for your support,
Chuck Smith

Help us fight for a better Texas for all Texans!

All of the work we do would not be possible without the support of our community and allies.


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