#TransTuesday: Masterpiece is not about cake

This #TransTuesday Rachel Gonzales, EQTX Education and Resource Coordinator, shares her concerns about the Masterpiece Cakeshop case.

The Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission oral arguments are being heard by the Supreme Court today. Baker and owner, Jack Phillips, refused to sell a wedding cake to Charlie Craig and Dave Mullins. This case focuses on the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Americans, but holds implications that would effect the lives of everyone.

Skin color, race, religion, gender and sexual orientation are never reasons to refuse service to anyone. Americans have already been down that road. We have already decided decades ago that this is unconstitutional, yet here we are again. It was not that long ago that people were using the exact same religious rhetoric to justify refusing service based on skin color. This is not any different. Religion does not come with a license to discriminate.

As the mother of a Latina transgender child, this is an alarmingly telling moment that will decide much of my child’s long term quality of life.  Latina AND transgender. How often will my daughter be targeted? Discriminated? And now we are debating whether or not this might be legal?

Hate is hate. Discrimination is discrimination. The protection and rights of everyone are on the line.

Equality Texas has been fighting on the frontlines of the battle against discrimination.  Please consider joining the fight for equality by donating and supporting the LGBTQ community, including protecting my daughter and so many other children across the state of Texas.


Education and Resource Coordinator Rachel Gonzales has testified several times at the Texas Capitol, spoken at rallies and protests, and has maintained a local to national media presence in the fight for equality for transgender Texans. As the mother of a transgender child, equality for LGBTQ youth is her passion. 

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