#TransTuesday: Q&A with Gary and Alexis

Gary: I was inspired to embark on the Dear Lieutenant Governor, “We’re Just People” photo series after the repeal of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance and the emergence of anti-transgender laws that have been passed in North Carolina and are under consideration this year in the Texas Legislature. People can be led to fear what they don’t understand with misinformation, and the antidote to that is education. It was my intention to educate myself further while creating this series and, in turn, provide meaningful information for the people who will be seeing the exhibition.

Alexis: I’m always open to new artistic projects, and while I have done numerous photoshoots in the past, this was an entirely different concept for me to work in. Being able to share aspects of my personal life through photography, I felt would be an excellent way to reach people who may not have a good understanding of who transgender people are and how our lives are more similar than different.

Gary: Working with Alexis was terrific. I was impressed by the strength of her self-awareness and her courage in creating a life in which she is true to herself and fulfilled both creatively and personally. I am grateful for her willingness to share her story.

Alexis: I hope people will walk away with a better understanding of who transgender people are and that we aren’t any different from everyone else. We have dreams and goals; we too can are career and artistically driven individuals who are just trying to survive and contribute to the world around us.

Gary: If one seeks out knowledge, then understanding follows – in this case, understanding that there are many ways of being human.

Dear Lieutenant Governor, “We’re Just People”
Photo Exhibition by Gary Watson
January 7 – February 18, 2017

Spring Street Studios
The Tank Space
1824 Spring Street
Houston, Texas 77007

Opening Reception January 12, 2017, 6 – 8 p.m.

Gary Watson is a local photographer who studios at Spring Street St in Houston. Alexis “Doomstress” Hollada is an artist and musician who advocates and supports the LGBTQ community. She hopes that her works and efforts will help to serve as an example for other trans-peoples and her community.

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