#TransTuesday: Serendipitydodah

Moms across the country are making blankets for LGBTQI teens and young adults who don’t have supportive families. Serendipitydodah is a place where founder, Liz Dyer, hopes you will discover something unexpected. Visit this page for an array of resources, different perspectives, love, and grace. The public page also shares stories from her blog and hosts a private group where Christian moms of LGBTQ kids can find a safe space for fellowship, prayer, support, and acceptance. Serendipitydodah actively strives to make the world a kinder place for our children (of all ages) through outreach and partnerships like the Banner Blanket Project.

Read more about it here: https://serendipitydodah.wordpress.com/2017/10/09/made-with-mama-bear-love/

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