URGENT! “Bathroom bill” amendment this Sunday targeting children. ACT NOW!

The Texas House has cleared major points of leverage Lt Gov Patrick was using to threaten a special session. The House and Senate are near agreement on a budget. And now the Capitol is buzzing with word that a bathroom amendment targeting transgender schoolchildren will be added to SB 2078 on Sunday, May 21st.

Targeting innocent children for political gain is abhorrent.

Send a message to your State Representative now and tell them to oppose any floor amendments to SB 2078 that would target transgender children!

SB 2078 is supposed to address emergency operation plans for schools. Don’t let the bill be used as a vehicle to target innocent children!

Please take action now.

Thank you for your continued support.

Chuck Smith
CEO Equality Texas

P.S. If you use Twitter, please click here to Tweet to your State Rep.

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