We helped an 18-yr old change prom dress code; You can double your impact!


2015 was an unpredictable year for LGBT Texans. From the highs of securing the freedom to marry, to the lows of HERO’s defeat in Houston, we’ve experienced every emotion this year. Before the fireworks usher in the New Year, the Equality Texas staff would like to share  a favorite story from 2015.

Back in May, an 18-year-old high school senior in San Antonio was told by school officials she could not wear a tuxedo to prom. The student was then asked to sign a pledge committing to wear a dress to the event. She refused.

The parents of the student decided to reach out for help. With prom soon approaching, Equality Texas along with the family moved quickly. Together, we advocated for changes to the dress code. Three days before prom night, the school principal called. They decided to change the dress code and allow her to wear a tuxedo to prom.

These small victories, the campaigns we do not plan for, are meaningful moments for us. We know there is still an enormous amount of work to do. We know the next fight for LGBT rights in Texas will be a big one.

An anonymous supporter of Equality Texas knows how important these small victories are too, and they have generously agreed to match all tax-deductible donations to the Equality Texas Foundation. All donations made before the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve will be doubled up to $5,000.

Equality Texas will continue working for LGBT people throughout the state. With your help, together we will conquer inequality. Ring in the New Year knowing you doubled your support for Equality Texas. Make it count. Make a tax-deductible gift to the Equality Texas Foundation now.

Wishing you a more equal 2016,

The staff of Equality Texas

P.S. Please help us earn the full $5,000 matching challenge from a generous donor by making a year-end gift before midnight on New Year’s Eve.

Help us fight for a better Texas for all Texans!

All of the work we do would not be possible without the support of our community and allies.


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