We urgently need your help today at the Capitol

HB 1035 is an extreme anti-LGBTQ bill that grants special rights to discriminate for people who hold the belief that marriage is between a man and a woman and that gender is immutable from birth.

It is being heard in committee today, along with HB 3172 which would prevent any governmental entity from taking action against a person acting on a ‘sincerely held religious beliefs’.

HB 244, which would protect LGBTQ Texans from discrimination, is also being heard today and needs our support!

If you are in Austin and can quickly get to the Capitol to register your position on these bills, it will just take 5 minutes. Here’s what you need to do…

What do I do once I arrive?

The hearing will be held in room E2.014 in the Capitol extension. Once you arrive on floor E2, you can go directly to a kiosk to register for the hearing, or find Equality Texas staff at or just outside the hearing room (E2.014) who can assist you with registering at the kiosk.

How do I register my position?

Go into any of the hallways behind the stairs. Look for the row of iPad kiosks; this is where you can register to testify. If you need help locating a kiosk, there will be Equality Texas staff at the hearing room (E2.014) who can direct you. Once you are on the iPad, click the button for the House State Affairs committee, designate that you are against HB 1035 and HB 3172, and for HB 244; write who you are representing (yourself or an organization), and click yes or no indicating whether you wish to testify before the committee. You are then free to head home–or, if you wish to testify or just observe the hearing, head to the hearing room.

If you can’t attend today, Email the Committee Members Here.


Chair: Rep. Dade Phelan – R 512-463-0706
Vice Chair: Rep. Ana Hernandez – D, Champion
Members: Rep. Joe Deshotel – D 
Rep. R. D. “Bobby” Guerra – D 512-463-0578
Rep. Sam Harless – R 512-463-0496
Rep. Justin Holland – R 512-463-0484
Rep. Todd Hunter – R 512-463-0672
Rep. Phil King – R 512-463-0738 
Rep. Tan Parker – R 512-463-0688
Rep. Richard Peña Raymond – D 512-463-0558 
Rep. Eddie Rodriguez – D, Champion
Rep. John T. Smithee – R 512-463-0702
Rep. Drew Springer R– 512-463-0526

Help us fight for a better Texas for all Texans!

All of the work we do would not be possible without the support of our community and allies.


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