We Won’t Go Back!

We have to keep up the pressure on Senators John Cornyn and Ted Cruz to vote NO on confirming Brett Kavanaugh to a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. Our rights are at risk if Kavanaugh is confirmed. Will you take a stand and tell Senators Cornyn and Cruz: We won’t go back?

Kavanaugh has been endorsed by anti-LGBTQ hate groups and has made no promises to protect the rights we’ve spent decades fighting to achieve. And we still don’t know what role he played as a high-ranking member of the Bush administration in advancing anti-LGBTQ policies like same-sex marriage bans and even proposing to amend the U.S. Constitution to enshrine LGBTQ discrimination.

As members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Cornyn and Cruz have the power to demand Kavanaugh’s full record and prevent his nomination from advancing to the Senate floor.

Add your name to stand with us and say: We won’t go back to a time when our marriages were relegated to second-class status. We won’t go back to a time when our community was less than equal under the law.

The makeup of the Supreme Court is too important to sit this one out, {{FirstName or ‘friend’}}. We need a justice who will look out for the rights of everyone in America, not just protect the privileges of the wealthy few. We have to fight Kavanaugh with everything we have. Can we count on you?

Equality Texas Team

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