Webinar: Protecting Yourself in a Pandemic — Know Your Rights as a Trans Person

The COVID-19 pandemic presents a series of unique challenges that may have long-term impact on transgender people and their families. The Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund has prepared a series of “Know Your Rights” guides for transgender and non-binary people who may have questions related to employment, housing, health care, identification, and accessing help from government agencies among other issues. Join the Transgender Legal Defense & Education FundEquality Texas and Transgender Education Network of Texas tonight.

You can also download the TLDEF “Know Your Rights Guide for Transgender People Navigating COVID-19,” as well as the Spanish version “Una guía para que las personas transgénero navegando la COVID-19 conozcan sus derechos“.

Find even more information on resources for housing, food, mental health, undocumented people, and more on our continually-updated COVID-19 Resource Page.

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