Equality Texas Urges Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) to Include Gender Identity in its Non-Discrimination Policy

Austin, Texas (June 4, 2010) – Equality Texas and residents of the DART service area urge DART to add gender identity to the transit organization’s non-discrimination employment policy. On Wednesday, Equality Texas began an email campaign targeting DART’s 15-member Board of Directors, which is appointed by city governments. Equality Texas urges Dallas area residents to request that DART’s Board: “… pass this important measure to ensure all DART employees will be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their race, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity.”

This action is especially important after a female transgender DART employee experienced discrimination from her supervisors. According to the Dallas Voice, DART supervisors forbade the employee from expressing her gender identity in the workplace.

DART’s directors were planning to add a gender identity provision to their non-discrimination employment policy, but a working committee of the board delayed its vote last week. Another vote on this issue may occur as soon as June 15, 2010.

According to a recent study, a sizeable portion of U.S. adults support key policy proposals that affect gay and transgender people. Nearly three out of four (73%) U.S. adults personally know or work with a gay or transgender person. A slight majority of U.S. adults (51%) favor non-discrimination laws for gay and transgender people. (**)

Equality Texas is partnering with Resource Center Dallas and Transgender Education Network of Texas to ensure equality for ALL DART employees.

History: As a non-partisan organization with more than two decades of rich history, Equality Texas has established itself as a policy and advocacy authority at the Texas Capitol and across the state. Equality Texas has achieved bipartisan support while accomplishing a strong legislative agenda. The organization successfully works for inclusive policies at the local and state levels. Equality Texas is comprised of a professional staff and volunteer advocates committed to working across the state in partnership with members, allies and like-minded organizations.

(**) Source: “Pulse of Equality, A Snapshot of U.S. Perspectives on Gay and Transgender People and Policies”, Harris Interactive- Public Relations Research Team, December 2, 2008.


If you are a Dallas-area resident and would show your support for comprehensive non-discrimination policies, click here to email the DART Board.

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