Contact: Angela Hale | [email protected]
Kara Watkins-Chow | [email protected]
AUSTIN (October 17, 2021) – Equality Texas, the largest statewide organization solely dedicated to securing full equality for LGBTQ+ Texans, responded today to the passage of anti-transgender bill HB 25 and the expected implementation of the bill.
“This cruel and grotesque ban puts a target on the backs of transgender children and adults, erases intersex people and sends a clear message that transgender and intersex people aren’t welcome or safe in Texas. Instead of heeding the community outcry against the bill and listening to the powerful testimony of trans kids and adults, families and advocates, Texas lawmakers willingly ignored the unequivocal evidence of the harm this bill (and bills like it) has already caused. Throughout four traumatizing legislative sessions, we’ve seen increased requests for help from families facing anti-LGBTQ+ threats as a result of this hostile climate. The ‘debate’ over this anti-transgender bill is already exacerbating intolerance, fueling discrimination, and solidifying Texas’ reputation as the leading state for violence against trans people. Lawmakers who supported this bill will have to live with its legacy and future impact on our communities,” said Ricardo Martinez (he/him), Chief Executive Officer of Equality Texas.
“Anti-transgender extremists have made it their mission to attack children, spread misinformation and stoke fear in order to advance their own political careers and twisted agendas. This is shameful. This law will deprive transgender and intersex kids of their basic rights and opportunities to play with their friends, get exercise and learn life lessons through sports.
“It’s been a long and brutal fight, but we will not stop fighting to protect our community and secure the nondiscrimination protections we need so that all young people can thrive and live out their fullest potential. We all have a part to play in combatting anti-transgender attacks, from calling your Senator to advocating for the Equality Act, sharing critical resources like The Trevor Project crisis hotline with people in your networks, or donating to LGBTQ+ organizations championing LGBTQ+ rights.
“Equality Texas, the Transgender Education Network of Texas (TENT), Human Rights Campaign, ACLU of Texas, Texas Freedom Network, Lambda Legal and many more have our community’s back and we won’t let a handful of extremists speak for the vast majority of Texans who firmly believe that discrimination against trans and LGB+ people is wrong.”
Equality Texas is the largest statewide organization working to secure full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Texans through political action, education, community organizing, and collaboration.