FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Equality Texas to Hold Press Conference on Date of SB 2 Hearing in the House Public Education Committee


Angela Hale, 512-289-2995
Kara Watkins-Chow, [email protected]  


With more than 60 attempts to limit the liberties and rights of LGBTQ+ people, 2021 will go down in history as the most anti-LGBTQ+ legislative year in Texas history. 

Austin, TexasAugust 24, 2021 – Equality Texas, the largest statewide organization solely dedicated to securing full equality for LGBTQ+ Texans, announces a press conference to take place on 8/24/2021. Parents of transgender youth, mental health clinicians, allies, and loved ones will gather to respond to the hearing of SB 2 (Perry), the transgender sports ban bill, on the House floor calendar.

Participants will each spend a few minutes speaking about the impact SB 2 (Perry) will have on their lives if passed and the heavy toll of fighting against legislative attacks on transgender youth this session.

WHAT: Texans Deserve Better: Parents and Mental Health Experts Speak Out Against Anti-Trans Legislation

WHEN:        Monday, August 24, 12:30PM – 1:30PM

WHERE: Speakers Press Conference Room (2nd Floor off the House Chamber)
Back Up Location: E.2 Capitol Outdoor Rotunda in the Extension


Ricardo Martinez (he/him), Chief Executive Officer of Equality Texas, released the following statement:

“The rise in the number of anti-LGBTQ+ bills introduced this year in the Texas legislature is truly unprecedented. Within the past decade, legislative sessions have targeted marriage equality, bathroom access, and preemption, but the picture so abhorrently painted by anti-equality legislators in Texas this year is part of a nationally-coordinated effort to attack the humanity of our most vulnerable: transgender children. More than half of the anti-LGBTQ+ legislation in 2021 aims to exclude transgender children from normal school activities and ban their access to life-saving, age-appropriate, and best-practice healthcare. SB 2 would create a permanent ban on the ability of a vulnerable group of kids to participate in public school activities designed to make sure all children are healthy, learning, and included in their school communities. Excluding transgender children from normal school activities fuels a culture of bias that creates school climates and causes mental and emotional harm.”

“The public debate and misinformation spread about LGBTQ+ people, particularly trans people, also exacerbates intolerance. Equality Texas has already seen evidence of this with an increase in requests for help to address escalated anti-LGBTQ+ bullying in schools. The crisis hotline, Transgender Lifeline, also reported a 72% increase in calls from Texas last May — the height of the debate on the sports ban. We have also heard of trans people physically assaulted while shopping and a nonbinary teacher was just asked to resign after parent-led complaints about their use of Mx —  a gender-neutral honorific. It is time for lawmakers to stop tearing kids down just to build up their political profiles. They should halt this pointless bill in its tracks, focus on real leadership, and pass policies that help all Texas families thrive.”


  • Rachel, mother of a transgender daughter, Dallas
  • Annaliese, mother of a nonbinary child, San Antonio
  • Alison Mohr Boleware, Government Affairs Director, LMSW, National Association of Social Workers, Texas Chapter 
  • Eliza, Coach, Former NCAA athlete, Austin
  • Cassie, mother of a nonbinary child, San Antonio
  • Gilberto, father of a nonbinary child, San Antonio
  • Anne Liberman, Athlete Ally
  • Emmett Schelling, The Transgender Education Network of Texas
  • Mandy, mother of a nonbinary child from Houston
  • Remington, faith leader and transgender community member, Austin
  • Rebekah, mother of a transgender daughter, Houston


Equality Texas is the largest statewide organization working to secure full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Texans through political action, education, community organizing, and collaboration.

Help us fight for a better Texas for all Texans!

All of the work we do would not be possible without the support of our community and allies.


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