For Immediate Release: Texas Equity PAC Endorses Democrat Sara Stapleton Barrera in District 27

Texas Equity PAC Endorses Democrat Sara Stapleton Barrera, a New Dynamic Democratic Leader in the July Democratic Primary Run-Off Against Longtime Incumbent Eddie Lucio in District 27 in the Valley

‘Sara is the Leader We Need in the Texas Senate’

For Immediate Release Contact: Angela Hale, Equality Texas [email protected] 

Austin, TX (April 28, 2020) – Today, the Texas Equity PAC, the political action committee of Equality Texas, the largest statewide organization solely dedicated to securing full equality for LGBTQ Texans, endorsed Sara Stapleton Barrera, Senate Candidate for District 27 in the Rio Grande Valley. She forced incumbent Senator Eddie Lucio Jr., who has been in office for three decades, into a run-off in the July 14, 2020 Democratic Primary.

“It is long beyond time for a new dynamic leader to represent the Rio Grande Valley in the Texas Senate and we strongly believe attorney Sara Stapleton Barrera is the leader we need. Sara will be a strong pro-equality voice in the Texas Senate and is the person we believe understands the importance of representing ALL of her constituents – including LGTBQ people. Senator Lucio voted for the bathroom bill and has consistently voted against LGBTQ equality during his tenure in the Texas Senate. It is time for a new leader to represent the values of the district and stand for equality,” said Ricardo Martinez, CEO of Texas Equity PAC.

Sara Stapleton Barrera is a constitutional lawyer, a working mother of three young children, and a women’s rights and human rights advocate.  She is a progressive candidate who has pledged to support pro-equality positions 100 percent of the time and to work to personally defeat any discriminatory bills that are filed in the Texas Legislature.

Senator Lucio has been the lone Democratic vote against LGBTQ equality in the Texas Senate. He personally allowed the bathroom bill vote to move forward in the Texas Senate by voting with Lt. Governor Dan Patrick instead of supporting the position of every other Democrat in the Texas Senate. This action and others like it contribute to discrimination that transgender and LGBTQ people experience in Texas.

“Senate District 27 deserves a new leader after decades of poor representation. I’m very proud to a part of the equality movement and will do everything that I can to lift Texas out of this pit of hatred that has been filled by our current senator. I am a strong supporter of LGBTQ Equality and I will work every day to uplift the voices of LGBTQ Texans in the Texas Senate,” said Sara Stapleton Barrera, Senate Candidate for District 27, Rio Grande Valley.

If Barrera wins the Democratic primary and is elected, Sara will become the first woman to be ever elected to the Texas Senate from District 27.  

Learn more about Sara Stapleton Barrera:

Sara’s website:

Sign Up page: 


The Texas Equity PAC helps elect pro-equality state & local candidates. It is the political action committee of Equality Texas, the largest statewide organization working to secure full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Texans through political action, education, community organizing, and collaboration.

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