Nick Morrow | Human Rights Campaign | [email protected] | 865-386-8244
DeAnne Cuellar | Equality Texas | [email protected] | 210-896-9141
Anna Núñez| ACLU of Texas | [email protected] | 713-325-7010
Dan Quinn | Texas Freedom Network | [email protected] | 512-322-0545
Lauryn Farris | Transgender Education Network of Texas | [email protected] | 210-240-0060
Thousands of Texans Urge Legislature To Oppose Discriminatory Legislation
AUSTIN – Today, a group of LGBTQ and civil rights groups — including the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), Equality Texas, the ACLU of Texas, the Texas Freedom Network and the Transgender Education Network of Texas – delivered a list of signatures from more than 33,000 Texans who have taken action this session to oppose discriminatory bills such as SB 6, HB 2899, and HB 2078, in addition to other anti-LGBTQ bills under consideration by Texas lawmakers. These bills are part of a slate of unconscionable anti-LGBTQ bills being pursued by Texas lawmakers, who are undertaking a systematic effort to roll back the rights of LGBTQ Texans, piece by piece.
These tens of thousands of names are being delivered to Governor Abbott, who is under pressure from antiequality lawmakers to call a special session specifically to address discriminatory legislation. Texas can’t afford a special session devoted to actions that harm not only some of the most vulnerable Texans, but also the reputation and economy of the state.
Last week, during debate on the House Floor, Rep. Senfronia Thompson of Houston told the House members that this isn’t the first time discrimination has been cloaked behind a focus on “safety” and “separation.”
“Bathrooms divided us then, and it divides us now,” said Rep. Thompson. “America has long recognized that separate but equal is not equal at all.”
There are tens of thousands of Texans who have taken the time to directly share that they believe Texas must stop wasting taxpayers’ time and money to pursue discrimination; Gov. Abbott should take note.
The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer equality. HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ people are embraced as full members of society at home, at work and in every community.
Equality Texas works to secure full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Texans through political action, education, community organizing, and collaboration.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Texas is the leading civil rights organization in the Lone Star State. Since our formation in 1938, we have worked in the courts, the legislature, and through public education to protect civil rights and individual liberty.
The Texas Freedom Network is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization of religious and community leaders who support religious freedom and individual liberties.
The Transgender Education Network of Texas works to further understanding of gender diversity in Texas and to end discrimination against transgender and gender non-conforming Texans through social, legal, legislative and corporate education.