For Immediate Release: New Quinnipiac University Poll Shows Texas Voters Overwhelmingly Oppose Refusing to Serve LGBTQ People by a 3 to 1 Margin

Contact: Angela Hale, Equality Texas 512-289-2995 [email protected]

New Quinnipiac University Poll Shows Texas Voters Overwhelmingly Oppose Refusing to Serve LGBTQ People by a 3 to 1 Margin

Austin, TX (June 6, 2019) – New polling released by the Quinnipiac University shows surging support among Texans for equal treatment of LGBTQ people, including majority support from every major demographic group in Texas for laws to protect LGBTQ people from discrimination.

By a margin of 71%-22%, Texans believe that businesses should NOT be allowed to refuse service to someone based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.

“Support for equal and fair treatment of LGBTQ Texans continues to grow.  Polls numbers like this show that public opinion is squarely in the corner of equality,” said Samantha Smoot, Interim Executive Director for Equality Texas.

“Most Texans see LGBTQ people as neighbors, loved ones, and co-workers, and are appalled at the thought that someone could be refused service or needed health care just because of who they are or who they love.  But over a dozen bills filed this spring in the Texas legislature would have made this type of discrimination a reality in Texas. It’s time for Texas lawmakers to put down discrimination and join the majority of Texans who support equal and fair treatment,” said Smoot.

By a margin of 58 – 35 percent, Texas voters oppose a business refusing service, even when the business says homosexuality violates the owner’s religious beliefs.  When religion is cited, support for a business refusing service is 57 – 33 percent among Republicans, 50 – 43 percent among white men and 63 – 29 percent among white Evangelicals. Catholics oppose 68 – 27 percent refusing service based on religious grounds.


Equality Texas is the largest statewide organization working to secure full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Texans through political action, education, community organizing, and collaboration. The Equality Texas Foundation works to secure full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Texans through education, community organizing, and collaboration.

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