Statement of Samantha Smoot, Interim Executive Director, Equality Texas on the Formation of the Legislative LGBT Caucus
Contact: Angela Hale, Equality Texas 512-289-2995 [email protected]
Austin, TX (February 5, 2019) – Last week we shared new poll data which shows that, for the first time, equality has majority support across all groups in Texas. Every region, every ethnicity, and every religious group–and that includes white evangelicals–now support laws to protect their LGBTQ neighbors from discrimination. Indeed, Texas is at a turning point for equality.
But we didn’t need a poll to tell us what the voters already said. By electing five openly LGBTQ representatives, Texans have affirmed that equality is a mainstream Texas value. This Caucus has already made an impact–by sending a message to members of the LGBTQ community–that you are represented. You matter. You have a voice.
To those who would persecute and marginalize LGBTQ people for being different–the very existence of this caucus sends a message: you will not succeed in dehumanizing our community for your political gain.
This Caucus will lead the fight against measures to write discrimination into our state’s laws. But there’s much more.
We can look to the LGBT Caucus to advance the proactive push for real equality–for comprehensive, non-discrimination laws to protect LGBTQ Texans. It is shocking to realize that in 2019 our state laws prohibiting unfair discrimination still don’t include LGBTQ Texans. Updating our laws to help end unfair discrimination is long overdue.
There is no more powerful voice in Texas than this Caucus who can say that no one should have to worry about being fired from a job, evicted from an apartment, or turned away at the corner store because of who you are or who you love.
Equality Texas celebrates the formation of the LGBT Caucus, we applaud the impact you have already made, and we look forward to the changes you will make to improve the lives of LGBTQ Texans.
Equality Texas is the largest statewide organization working to secure full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Texans through political action, education, community organizing, and collaboration. The Equality Texas Foundation works to secure full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Texans through education, community organizing, and collaboration.