For Immediate Release: Texas Anti-LGBTQ Bill Signed Into Law by Governor Greg Abbott


CONTACT:  Susan Risdon, 214-226-6741 [email protected]


Austin, Texas- June 11, 2019- Today, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed SB 1978, the so-called “Save Chick-fil-A” bill, into law. This comes as no surprise, as he had already signaled his intent before the bill was passed in a tweet showing a Chick-fil-A meal on his desk with a pro-Chick-fil-A news article on his laptop’s screen.

“Senate Bill 1978 has one aim only: to undermine LGBTQ equality and promote anti-LGBTQ messages. This bill is nothing more than an “anti-LGBTQ dog whistle,” said Samantha Smoot, Interim Executive Director of Equality Texas.

After LGBTQ Caucus member Rep. Julie Johnson filed a point of order, HB 3172 was killed in the House. But Dan Patrick revived the bill and pushed it through a sham committee hearing. SB 1978 went on to pass both chambers in nine days.

“Equality Texas fought this bill all session. We fought the original bill, which was one of the most extreme anti-LGBTQ bills introduced in either the House or Senate this year. And we fought the watered-down, amended version, because it promotes discriminatory views,” said Smoot.

SB 1978 does not materially change current law in Texas. It simply reaffirms First Amendment protections. This bill is the brainchild of anti-LGBTQ national and state-level activists. Even though it does not take away the rights of LGBTQ people, it does advance the message that anti-LGBTQ views deserve special protections.


Equality Texas is the largest statewide organization working to secure full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Texans through political action, education, community organizing, and collaboration. The Equality Texas Foundation works to secure full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Texans through education, community organizing, and collaboration.

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