Tomorrow, Sept. 10: Media briefing on HERO



Kevin Nix, Director of Communications, Houston Unites | [email protected] | (202) 431-5796
Anna Núñez | [email protected] | (713) 325-7010 office

HOUSTON – Houston Unites, the Yes on Proposition 1 campaign, will host a media roundtable briefing to discuss how the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) helps to curb discrimination based on race, veteran status, religion, and more.  Participants include United States Navy veteran Rev. Leslie Jackson and Dr. James M. Douglas, NAACP Houston Branch president.

Thursday, September 10, 10:00 a.m. (CST)

Houston Area Urban League (HAUL)
1301 Texas Street
Houston, Texas 77002

RSVP to [email protected]

Houston Unites is the coalition working to elevate the diversity of voices supporting HERO. The leading coalition partners include: ACLU of TexasEquality TexasFreedom For All AmericansHuman Rights CampaignNAACP Houston Branch and Texas Freedom Network.

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