For Immediate Release: Equality Texas Successfully Stops All Discriminatory Legislation Targeting Transgender Texans and Families

We did it—we defeated anti-transgender “bathroom bill” legislation!

Last night, in a surprising turn of events, the House and the Senate gaveled out, ending special session one day early and eliminating any chance that a “bathroom bill” could pass.

This is a victory against all odds. Since January, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick vowed that passing an anti-transgender “bathroom bill” was his TOP priority. Then, when Gov. Abbott announced a special session, he listed 20 priority issues—and discriminatory “bathroom bills” were #13 on his list.

We were up against two of the most powerful people in Texas state government, dictating to a Republican controlled Legislature that anti-transgender “bathroom bill” legislation must pass. But we were not deterred.

Together, we built a coalition the size and scope of which has never been seen in Texas. We brought together dozens of progressive organizations from across a range of issues—LGBTQ advocacy, women’s rights, immigrants and labor rights, and more—and mobilized 50,000+ grassroots supporters like you to send a strong unified message to Texas lawmakers: Anti-transgender discrimination has no place in our state.

Make no mistake: This is a massive victory for Texas and for the LGBTQ movement at large.

But at its core—this is a victory for transgender Texans. For those of you who must wake up every day with courage in your hearts just to walk out the front door. For the parents of transgender children who worry daily about their child’s safety and happiness. For anyone who has ever been harmed, discriminated against, slandered or made to feel less than human, just because of your gender identity—this victory is for you. We hope that today, you feel safer and more at home in Texas.

And for Texans, many of whom are LGBTQ, who were abandoned by the Texas Legislature—women, immigrants, people of color, and the poor whose freedoms and opportunities have been restricted by the actions of state lawmakers—know that we will never stop fighting for a Texas where all people are treated fairly and have equal opportunity for success.

We have built an unprecedented movement of grassroots supporters dedicated to inclusion and equality. And we’re not going anywhere.

Thank you for being a part of this fight. I’m proud to be working alongside you.

Chuck Smith, CEO
Equality Texas

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