Voters Overwhelmingly Support Eliminating Bullying & Harassment in our Schools

Equality Texas Launches Effort to Pass Comprehensive Anti-Bullying Legislation

Texans want to eliminate bullying and harassment in our schools now! A scientific poll commissioned by Equality Texas shows voters overwhelmingly support (80%) passage of legislation that would provide direction to Texas teachers on how to protect ALL children from bullying, harassment, and discrimination in school, including the children of gay and lesbian parents or teenagers who are gay.

The Texas Legislature is poised to address this issue with comprehensive, bipartisan legislation that will provide school administrators, teachers and parents with tools to create a culture of respect and safety for all students. Equality Texas is launching its effort to pass this legislation during the 82nd Texas Legislative Session.

The polling results were released Monday morning at a Capitol Press Conference presented by Equality Texas featuring Equality Texas Executive Director Dennis Coleman, Fort Worth City Councilmember Joel Burns, Chair of the Equality Texas Board of Directors Anne Wynne, and renown educator Vicki Baldwin.

Selected media coverage can be viewed from:

KXAN News Austin
WFAA News Dallas
KVUE News Austin
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
KHOU News Houston

Equality Texas envisions a state where ALL Texans are treated equally, with dignity and respect. Everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity/expression, deserves to be treated fairly and equally.  This first-ever statewide poll on 12 different rights as they pertain to lesbian, gay and transgender citizens clearly shows our vision is already shared by the vast majority of Texans. The concrete data demonstrate a bipartisan shared vision that crosses all demographic lines: political party affiliation, race, age and geographic location.

In addition to anti-bullying legislation, Texas voters broadly support equal treatment for lesbian and gay families: hospital visitation (88%), same legal rights with respect to their children (69%), making end of life decisions for a partner (75%). Voters support prohibiting employment and housing discrimination based on sexual orientation (75%) and gender identity (70%).

These encouraging poll results mean we are closer than ever to meaningful change that will impact the lives of so many. For more polling results, or to download the poll data, visit The Equality Poll 2010 .

How You Can Help – $25,000 Matching Challenge Grant from The Gill Foundation

The Gill Foundation believes that the most immediate and impactful changes for LGBT people will come about in the states. The “lived experience” for most Americans occurs first at the local and state level so making positive changes there is their priority.

The Gill Foundation is providing a $25,000 Challenge Grant to Equality Texas Foundation. When you sign up for monthly giving at $100 per month, the Gill Foundation will award Equality Texas Foundation $500.

Help us earn the full $25,000 Matching Grant by becoming a $100/month Capitol Club member today. 

Sign up as a new $100/month donor and EQTX Foundation will receive $500.

Other donation options are available by clicking the Donate button below.

Your support moves us closer toward our shared vision of a state where all Texans are treated equally, with dignity and respect.


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