Press Releases
For Immediate Release: Equality Texas Elects New Board Members
Angela Hale, Equality Texas, 512.289.2995 [email protected] Equality Texas Elects New Board Members Austin, Texas – February 24, 2020 – Equality Texas, the largest statewide organization solely dedicated to securing full equality for LGBTQ Texans, today announced new members of the Equality Texas Board of Directors. “Equality Texas selects talented Texas leaders
Statement from Ricardo Martinez, CEO of Equality Texas, on AG Ken Paxton and Travel Bans
when Mr. Paxton invokes religious liberty, we know that he has no intention of applying this standard equally across people of all faiths.
For Immediate Release: Texas Equity PAC Endorses 29 Texas House Members for Re-Election Who Received an A on the Equality Texas Legislative Scorecard in Our Third Round of Endorsements for the 2020 General Election
Today, the Texas Equity PAC endorsed 29 Texas House Members who received an A on the Equality Texas Legislative Scorecard for the 2019 Legislative Session.
For Immediate Release: Texas Equity PAC Endorses Five Texas State Senators for Re-Election Who Received an A on the Equality Texas Legislative Scorecard in Our Second Round of Endorsements for the 2020 General Election
Today, the Texas Equity PAC endorsed all Texas State Senators who received an A on the Equality Texas Legislative Scorecard for the 2019 Legislative Session.
For Immediate Release: Equality Texas Releases Statement from CEO Ricardo Martinez on Attorney General’s Refusal to Do His Job
Ken Paxton should do his job, follow the law and defend state agencies’ ability to reign in rogue judges who are choosing to defy the law despite their oath to serve all Texans.