Press Releases
For Immediate Release: Texas Anti-LGBTQ Bill Signed Into Law by Governor Greg Abbott
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Susan Risdon, 214-226-6741 [email protected] TEXAS ANTI-LGBTQ BILL SIGNED INTO LAW BY GOVERNOR GREG ABBOTT Austin, Texas- June 11, 2019- Today, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed SB 1978, the so-called “Save Chick-fil-A” bill, into law. This comes as no surprise, as he had already signaled his intent
For Immediate Release: New Quinnipiac University Poll Shows Texas Voters Overwhelmingly Oppose Refusing to Serve LGBTQ People by a 3 to 1 Margin
Contact: Angela Hale, Equality Texas 512-289-2995 [email protected] New Quinnipiac University Poll Shows Texas Voters Overwhelmingly Oppose Refusing to Serve LGBTQ People by a 3 to 1 Margin Austin, TX (June 6, 2019) – New polling released by the Quinnipiac University shows surging support among Texans for equal treatment of LGBTQ
For Immediate Release: Equality Texas Celebrates 30th Anniversary
Susan Risdon, Equality Texas, 214-226-6741, [email protected] Equality Texas Celebrates 30th Anniversary LGBTQ Rights Organization Commemorates Three Decades of Standing Tall for Y’all AUSTIN, Texas – June 5, 2019 – Equality Texas celebrates its 30th anniversary as the largest statewide organization solely dedicated to securing full equality for LGBTQ Texans. The
For Immediate Release: Statement by Lou Weaver, Equality Texas Transgender Programs Coordinator, on the Discovery of Another Murdered Transgender Woman in Dallas
Ms. Lindsey’s Murder is the Fourth Unsolved Homicide of African-American Transgender Women in Dallas Since 2015, Including Two This Year Media Contact: Susan Risdon, cell-214-226-6741, [email protected] The transgender community and allies across Texas are reeling with the discovery of the body today in Dallas of Chynal Lindsey, a Black transgender
For Immediate Release: Equality Texas Announces New Board Members and Officers
Susan Risdon, Equality Texas, 214-226-6741, [email protected] Equality Texas Announces New Board Members, Officers Austin, Texas – June 3, 2019 – Equality Texas, the largest statewide organization solely dedicated to securing full equality for LGBTQ Texans, announced new members of the Equality Texas Foundation and Equality Texas Boards of Directors as