Press Releases
For Immediate Release: Equality Texas Faith Outreach Coordinator Kimberly Shappley Testifies on behalf of her Transgender Daughter Kai for the Equality Act on Capitol Hill
Angela Hale, Equality Texas, 512-289-2995, [email protected] Equality Texas Faith Outreach Coordinator Kimberly Shappley Testifies on behalf of her Transgender Daughter Kai for the Equality Act on Capitol Hill Washington D.C. April 10, 2019- Equality Texas Faith Outreach Coordinator Kimberly Shappley testified at a national hearing in Washington D.C. yesterday on
For Immediate Release: Senate Passes SB 17- the #1 Threat to the LGBTQ Community in the 2019 Legislative Session
Dan Patrick escalates his LGBTQ attack from bathrooms to every licensed profession in Texas through SB 17, a sweeping bill that would empower and protect discriminatory behavior across hundreds of professional activities.
For Immediate Release: Bills Bad and Good for LGBTQ Texans Advanced Today in Legislature
Angela Hale, Equality Texas, 512-289-2995, [email protected] Bills Bad and Good for LGBTQ Texans Advanced Today in Legislature SB 17, the #1 Attack on LGBTQ people this session, is voted out of Senate State Affairs, while Rep. Mary Gonzalez’ ‘Lovebirds’ bill, HB 85, is voted out of House Criminal Jurisprudence. Austin-
For Immediate Release: Equality Texas Calls SB 17 the #1 Threat to the LGBTQ Community for the 2019 Legislative Session
Angela Hale, Equality Texas, 512-289-2995, [email protected] Equality Texas Calls SB 17 the #1 Threat to the LGBTQ Community for the 2019 Legislative Session Dan Patrick has Moved his Attack Out of Bathrooms and Into Every Licensed Profession in Texas Austin- March 22, 2019- Equality Texas, the largest statewide organization solely
For Immediate Release: Equality Texas Urges the University of Texas Board of Regents to Reject the Heather Wilson UTEP Nomination
Angela Hale, Equality Texas, 512-289-2995, [email protected] Equality Texas Urges the University of Texas Board of Regents to Reject the Heather Wilson UTEP Nomination Austin- March 21, 2019- Equality Texas, the largest statewide organization solely dedicated to securing full equality for LGBTQ Texans, today urges the University of Texas Board of