Press Releases

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Star Sara Ramirez Joins Largest Gathering of LGBTQ Equality Advocates During This Legislative Session

COALITION OF CIVIL LIBERTIES GROUPS, PARENTS AND ADVOCATES CALL ON TEXAS LAWMAKERS TO CONTACT: DeAnne Cuellar, Equality Texas, 512-474-5475 ext. 06 Anna Núñez, ACLU of Texas, (713) 325-7010, [email protected] Jose Medina, Texas Freedom Network, 512-804-8061 Susan Risdon, Red Media Group, 214-226-6741 AUSTIN — A diverse coalition of LGBTQ equality, civil

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Monday Press Event: ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Star Sara Ramirez Joins Groups to Advocate for Pro-LGBTQ Equality Policies at the Capitol

CONTACT: DeAnne Cuellar, Equality Texas, 512-474-5475 ext. 06 Susan Risdon, Red Media Group, 214.226.6741 Jose Medina, Texas Freedom Network, 512.804.8061 This legislative session, Texas lawmakers have once again filed a raft of bills that directly impact LGBTQ Texans. Some bills target the LGBTQ community for discrimination, while others build on

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ALERT: Senate to vote 3/14/17 on SB6

SB6, also known as the “bathroom bill” is likely to enter the next phase of the legislative process. On Tuesday, the Texas Senate will convene at noon and is expected to begin floor debate on the discriminatory bill that would prohibit transgender Texans from using the bathroom that correctly matches

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