Press Releases
Rep. Mike Villarreal Files Legislation to Prevent Hardworking Texans from Being Fired Just Because They Are Gay or Transgender
Legislation adjusts existing Labor Code to protect gay & transgender people just as it currently protects people based on race, religion, sex, national origin and disability Austin, Texas (December 3, 2012) – State Representative Mike Villarreal of San Antonio today filed legislation [HB 238] to amend the Texas Labor Code
HRC’s New Municipal Equality Index Details the State of LGBT Equality in Seven Texas Cities
First of its kind nationwide evaluation of LGBT inclusion in municipal law and policy finds cities need to do more to protect LGBT employees and citizens WASHINGTON — A new report on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) equality in America’s cities by the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest
Rep. Rafael Anchia Files Legislation to Provide Accurate Birth Certificates for Adopted Children
Legally-adopted children cannot currently obtain an accurate certificate if they have 2 moms or 2 dads Austin, Texas (November, 15, 2012) – State Representative Rafael Anchia of Dallas today filed legislation [HB 201] to amend the Texas Health and Safety Code in order to provide accurate Supplemental Birth Certificates for all
Equality Texas Denounces Bias-Motivated Threat Against Gay Couple
Equality Texas Urges Thorough Investigation by Donley County Sheriff Austin, Texas (October, 3, 2012) – A Clarendon, Texas gay couple, Joshua Harrison and Jeremy Jeffers, woke up Monday morning to find their front porch painted with an anti-gay slur and a death threat. “It was a nice message painted on
Statement from Equality Texas Executive Director Dennis Coleman on Governor Rick Perry’s Performance in the Iowa Caucus
AUSTIN, Texas—The good news is that Texas Governor Rick Perry will not be the next president of the United States. Governor Perry’s homophobic pandering did not resonate with Iowa voters just as it does not resonate in Texas. As Governor Perry returns to Texas to reflect on his campaign, it