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Masterpiece: It’s not about the cake
[arve url=”” align=”center” thumbnail=”6284″ title=”EQTX Chief Program Officer Rebecca Robertson about the Masterpiece Cake Case” description=”EQTX Chief Program Officer Rebecca Robertson about the Masterpiece Cake Case” upload_date=”5/15/2018″ duration=”1M21S” maxwidth=”800″ /] Later this summer, the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to rule in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, a
Stepping Into the Future: Guest post by John Oeffinger
A story based on real world experiences… Jill Stevens listens as the nurse calls out for “Jack Stevens.” Jill shudders involuntarily for a moment, gets up and approaches the perplexed nurse. Jill discreetly informs the nurse that Jack is still her legal name but that she has been living full-time
Jessica Zyrie: Love yourself and this one life we have in this world
Once upon a time I was ashamed of myself. Ashamed of my identity, ashamed of my skin, ashamed of everything about me. As a transgender woman of color, I have had much to overcome. Over time, I have come to accept myself, my body, my history, my present, and my
What a week for equality in Texas
What a week for equality in Texas! On Monday, Equality Texas recommitted to our vision of a state where all Texans can feel secure in knowing they have full legal and lived equality. Our new logo makes it clear exactly what we’re working for and for whom. And we’ve got
Visibility: guest post by Lily Pando
When I was twelve I put together that I was transgender. I didn’t really know any trans people I could talk to about this self-realization, and I didn’t know what to do. I started to do research on what it meant to be trans. I found a few things, but
People wonder why I would raise a transgender child in Texas, but I couldn’t do it anywhere else
As published in the Dallas Morning News, March 29, 2018 My daughter, Libby, loves her birthday. Starting the day after her birthday, she begins the countdown to her next birthday, drawing up lists of all potential plans for celebrating. This girl loves to celebrate with her friends, and this year