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Kimberly & Kai Shappley: Then and Now
THEN: If you’ve not yet met Kimberly Shappley, our Faith Outreach Coordinator, and her daughter Kai, watch their original story from July, 2016. [arve url=”” title=”Kai Shappley’s story” description=”Kai Shappley’s story” upload_date=”March 27, 2018″ duration=”3M22S” /] NOW: Where are they now? After she helped defeat the bathroom bill, Kimberly Shappley
If you attack one Texan, you attack all Texans
Equality Texas is recommitting to our vision of a state where all Texans can feel secure in knowing they have full legal and lived equality. Our new logo makes it clear exactly what we’re working for and for whom. And we’ve got a message for the enemies of equality: If
Trump Approves New Limits on Transgender Troops in the Military
Transgender troops who are currently in the United States military may remain in the ranks, the White House said March 23, but the Pentagon could require them to serve according to their gender at birth. The policy recommendation that President Trump approved flatly states that “transgender persons who require or
Nevertheless, she persisted.
Nevertheless, she persisted. March is women’s history month, a time for paying tribute to the accomplishments of women who broke barriers. At Equality Texas, we’re proud to celebrate the lives and contributions of so many queer women who have led and are leading the way on our long road to
EQTX Resolutions for Democratic Party Senatorial Districts
Texas Senatorial District conventions are Saturday, March 24, 2018, and Equality Texas has drafted two resolutions for the Democratic Party to consider. We are encouraging people attending the conventions to print out and submit these resolutions. In order to ensure that resolutions reach the Democratic Party state convention this summer,
Happily never after?
Only a few years after the historic ruling in Obergefell that LGBTQ couples have the same fundamental constitutional right to marry as straight couples, efforts to roll back our right to marry are picking up steam. In December, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado