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#TransTuesday: Serendipitydodah
Moms across the country are making blankets for LGBTQI teens and young adults who don’t have supportive families. Serendipitydodah is a place where founder, Liz Dyer, hopes you will discover something unexpected. Visit this page for an array of resources, different perspectives, love, and grace. The public page also shares
2017 Transgender Day of Remembrance
In remembrance of those who have been lost due to transphobia, and to recognize the continued violence against the transgender community, Equality Texas observes Transgender Day of Remembrance with the rest of the world on Monday, November 20th. Every year, the names of those lost are recited at events across
#TransTuesday | 2017 Transgender Awareness Week and Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR)
Transgender Awareness Week 2017 started on Monday and the State of Texas has plans for events throughout the week. Today’s #TransTuesday post lists events taking place all over the state. Through the month of November participate in one of the several events planned for Transgender Awareness Week, and Transgender Day
Get Covered: #OpenEnrollment Starts Today!
Access to affordable healthcare is under attack by the Trump Administration. Will you help fight back? Since 2013, the Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare”) has helped LGBTQ people and families get access to quality, affordable health insurance. Thanks to the law, the uninsured rate for low- and middle-income LGBTQ people
#TransTuesday: Open Enrollment Begins Tomorrow!
Today’s #TransTuesday is about open enrollment. is OPEN for business tomorrow! Equality Texas wants to make sure you have health insurance for 2018, but you have to enroll between November 1st, 2017 and December 15, 2017. Insurers CANNOT refuse to sell you a plan or charge you more based
Make full equality for all LGBTQ Texans a priority NOW!
The leader who doesn’t “want the suicide of a single Texan” on his hands is leaving the Texas House of Representatives. This morning, Speaker of the Texas House Joe Straus announced he will not be running for reelection. Equality Texas is now more vital than ever. We must work tirelessly