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#TransTuesday’s One Year Anniversary
A year ago, as part of celebrating National Coming Out Day, the Texas TransVisible Project at Equality Texas launched the #TransTuesday campaign. We committed to sharing a personal story, a blog, or a video highlighting transgender Texans every Tuesday. Today, to celebrate the one year anniversary of our #TransTuesday campaign
This Just Happened: Attorney General Jeff Sessions Just Issued Guidance Granting an Anti-LGBTQ #LicenseToDiscriminate
The Trump Administration just took its attacks on LGBTQ Americans to the next level. Attorney General Jeff Sessions just issued guidance granting an anti-LGBTQ “license to discriminate.” Federal government staff and contractors will now be able to claim a broad religious exemption from federal laws, rules and regulations meant to
Dream Act NOW!
On October 5th immigrant youth, LGBTQ and Ally Texans, will gather across the state to declare in no uncertain terms that passing a clean Dream Act must be a Congress’ number one priority. A bipartisan CLEAN Dream Act – without dangerous add-ons to hurt families and communities – is the moral
Join Equality Texas in Celebrating #NationalVoterRegistrationDay!
By Robert Salcido, Statewide Field Coordinator [email protected], @rob_salcido Equality Texas is excited to once again be part of a national effort to strengthen our LGBTQ community by registering hundreds of voters on September 26, 2017, also known as National Voter Registration Day. First started for the 2012 presidential election, National
#DoNoHarm: Equality Texas Opposes Graham-Cassidy
Equality Texas opposes any attempt to repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA) which would disproportionately impact LGBTQ people and harm millions. For LGBTQ adults, 65 percent have preexisting conditions, and a staggering 4 in 10 low-income LGBTQ people are on Medicaid. Plain and simple, Graham-Cassidy would cut federal funding for
#TransTuesday: National Suicide Prevention Month
September is National Suicide Prevention Month. For today’s #TransTuesday, Equality Texas would like for our supporters to help us promote awareness around this difficult topic. Watch this video which highlights mothers of three transgender teens talking about suicide and depression within the transgender community. Share this post with the hashtags