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GUEST POST: Our Black Trans Lives and Human Rights Matter
By Monica Roberts, [email protected], @TransGriot Ever since the conservative movement lost their culture war this year to stop marriage equality from happening in Texas and across this nation, they have been increasingly shifting their attacks to demonizing the trans community. That increased anti-trans rhetoric, and attempts in several states including
Arm in Arm: Allies in Adversity
By Robert Salcido, [email protected], @rob_salcido As a person that recognizes inequalities in our society, it is hard not to view all aspects of life through a social justice lens. While this lens allows me to witness many instances of random acts of kindness and giving hearts, the reality is that there are
GUEST POST: Why Black Lives Should Matter to You
Guest Post by Fran Watson, [email protected], @franjwatson I crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge on March 8, 2015, in Selma, Alabama in honor of the 50th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday, a day where nearly six hundred peaceful marchers were brutally attacked by law enforcement as they attempted to cross the same
Equality Texas lauds Fidelity National Title for its policy on gay community property rights
Equality Texas Director Chuck Smith today congratulated Fidelity National Title Group, and it’s parent company Fidelity National Financial for its progressive stance on the community property rights of same-sex married couples. Says Mr. Smith “It has come to our attention today, that Fidelity National Title Group is the first national
DSHS Approves New Guidelines Recognizing All Married Couples
On Tuesday, Kirk Cole, interim commissioner of the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), accepted recommendations from the department’s top lawyer on changes to birth and death certificates and other vital documents in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling recognizing the freedom to marry as a constitutional right. DSHS
LGBT, Diversity and Me: This is My Life
By Robert Salcido, [email protected], @rob_salcido Since June 26, 2015 aka “Decision Day,” many people throughout the United States have heard the words, “What’s next?” Whereas some see it as a shift in focus with the changing post-marriage equality landscape, Queer People of Color (QPoC) in South Texas [and beyond] see